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Sat Oct 2nd, 2021 @ 7:31pm

Lieutenant Cranston Fuller

Name Cranston Almonzo Fuller Jr

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 175pds
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Average height and build for a human of comparable years. Cranston has a large scar on his left arm from an accident while in the academy.


Spouse na
Father Cranston Fuller Sr
Mother Amelia Fuller

Personality & Traits

General Overview An outgoing and vivacious man Cranston loves his job and can often be found with the junior pilots offering advice and tips for
advancement in the engineering corp. He is a natural born leader and has often been called upon in his career to step up and lead when others did not.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength: Outgoing and thoughtful
Weakness :Perhaps lacking in thought for his own wellbeing before others
Ambitions Having already achieved his goal of engineer Cranston now concentrates on doing this best job he can always searching for the
next adventure that lay ahead of him.
Hobbies & Interests Love old earth flying craft especially aero planes. Maintains a private hanger when stationed planetside with his own in progress rebuild of and ancient earth
aero plane. Loves reading and watching old earth movies.

Personal History Born February 29th aboard space dock in orbit of earth Cranston spent the first ten years of his life there.
After Cranston and his mother followed where ever the elder Cranston was stationed in Starfleet. He grew up
idolizing the engineers where ever he found them and knew from a young age that he wished to become one.
Service Record Accepted to the academy on his third try Cranston found academic life incredibly boring. Never one to learn from instruction in a classroom Cranston
was always looking for opportunities to learn by doing. On academic probation for his first two years in the academy. Once it was discovered how Cranston best learned he began to flourish at the academy eventually Moving his field of study to warp core mechanics and Advanced engineering theory. During his senior cruiser aboard the Thunderchild Cranston distinguished himself in duty by saving the life of his engineering teacher during the failure of the warp cores baffle plate.

Cranston graduated 15th in his class that year and went on to over more then twenty different assignments in the next 10 years. All at his own request. Always looking for the next adventure or Horizon.

Assigned USS ThunderChild
Assigned Starbase 356
Assigned USS Zahana
Assigned Deep Space 12
Assigned USS Selphi
Assigned Colony Ivex prime